All Your Questions About The Wicked King Answered
1. When does it come out?
January 8, 2019! You can find out all about the book here.
2. How many books are there?
It’s a trilogy! The first one is The Cruel Prince (out now!), second is The Wicked King (see above!), and then The Queen of Nothing will be published after that.
3. How can I get an ARC (advance reading copy)?
Keep your eye out on NOVL’s social media because we’ll be doing giveaways leading up to the publication! Previously, we gave away an ARC in our newsletter, Instagram, and Twitter. So who knows, stay tuned on all our social media and be sure to follow us so you don’t miss out! If you are a reviewer, we are currently not sending out review copies until the later months. (We know that you are really anxious for the book but the copies we’re giving away on socials are extremely, early rare ones as the book doesn’t come out until next year.)
4. Will there be a pre-order campaign?
We’ll keep you updated!
5. Can you at least give us a sneak peek?!?!
We’re doing #OutofContextWickedKing so there are bite-sized sneak peeks there! They are definitely out of context though so keep that mind.
6. What about international?!
For legal reasons, our giveaways are only in the US. We’re sorry!
We totally get the feeling of needing a book RIGHT NOW but unfortunately, making books takes time! It’s like making a movie. They need time to work with the actors’ schedule, film, produce, edit, find a release date, market, etc.
While the wait may seem excruciating right now, the great thing about books is they do all eventually get published and everyone can read them! We recommend reading The Darkest Part of the Forest or re-reading The Cruel Prince while you wait. Or we’re sure you have heaps of books on your TBR too. We’re here for all your speculations, theories, and fun times for The Wicked King! Cruel Prince support group, anyone?
Have anymore questions? Let us know below and we’ll do our best to answer! Remember to follow us on social media as we’ll have all your updates on The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King!