Meet Danny from Love & Other Carnivorous Plants
Love & Other Carnivorous Plants by Florence Gonsalves is a darkly funny debut about finding your footing after things don’t go the way you expect it to. We fell in love with Danny, the main character, because she’s so real about her emotions that it leaves us laughing and crying all at the same time. Here’s a sneak peek into the world of Danny:
- My full name is Dandelion—clearly, I’ve been up against it from Day One
- On my birthday, my best friend Sara called me a D-minus friend who breaks promises and tells lies the size of her head, which “has gotten pretty freaking big” since I got into Harvard
- Turns our pre-med classes really blow (my dinoflagellates killed each other)
- I’ve been trying to go vegan for the better part of my youth, but definitely starting tomorrow, my willpower will be stronger than cheese power
- I missed finals while in treatment for all my eating and anxiety issues, which means I haven’t had a normal, non-therapist-facilitated conversation in forever
- Boys are still uninteresting and I have absolutely no idea what to do with them—instead of being on a hot date last night, I talked to my air conditioner ’til three a.m. YOLO
- My parents are all, “You’re so lucky to be at Harvard, blah blah blah, thousands of kids would kill for your experience”…but it looks like I’m killing myself to have it, too
We’re sure that you’ll love Danny, too. Love & Other Carnivorous Plants hit the shelves today, so grab your copy and get ready to meet Danny.
Freshman year at Harvard was the most anticlimactic year of Danny’s life. She’s failing pre-med and drifting apart from her best friend. One by one, Danny is losing all the underpinnings of her identity. When she finds herself attracted to an older, edgy girl who she met in rehab for an eating disorder, she finally feels like she might be finding a new sense of self. But when tragedy strikes, her self-destructive tendencies come back to haunt her as she struggles to discover who that self really is. With a starkly memorable voice that’s at turns hilarious and heartbreaking, Love & Other Carnivorous Plants brilliantly captures the painful turning point between an adolescence that’s slipping away and the overwhelming uncertainty of the future.