Una noche más para la Navidad (One Good Night ’til Christmas)

Celebra la Navidad con este libro alegre y festivo.

¡El gran día está casi aquí! Solo queda “una noche más” para la Navidad. Mientras los niños se van a dormir, ansían toda la diversión que conlleva celebrar su día festivo favorito con sus seres amados. ¡Saben que el día siguiente conlleva villancicos, decoraciones, y galletas! Vive las tradiciones familiares con esta cartilla festiva encantadora. También está disponible a la venta la edición en inglés: One Good Night ‘til Christmas.

Celebrate Christmas with this bright, joyful book.
The day is almost here! It’s only “one more goodnight” until Christmas. As children go to sleep, they can’t wait for all the fun that comes with celebrating their favorite holiday with their loved ones. They know the next day will be filled with the best Christmas songs, decorations, and cookies! Experience familial traditions in this sweet holiday primer. English board book edition, One Good Night ’til Christmas, also available for purchase.

Formats and Prices




$11.99 CAD



  1. Trade Paperback (Spanish) $7.99 $11.99 CAD
  2. Board book $7.99 $11.99 CAD

Frank J. Berrios III

About the Author

Frank Berrios is a writer born in New York City. He has written many books for children, including the following Little Golden Books: Black PantherFalconMiles Morales: Spider-Man, as well as A Little Golden Book about Jackie RobinsonFootball with Dad, and Soccer with Mom. Learn more about his work at FrankBerriosBooks.com.

Eduardo Marticorena is an illustrator from El Salvador. He started illustrating in college, while earning a Graphic Design degree, by way of some freelance advertising and editorial illustration. Later, he pursued his dream to become a professional illustrator by learning new techniques like digital illustration. After college, he worked as a video game background artist, animation layout artist for the movie Koati, and then as an illustrator for children books with the Ministry of Education of El Salvador. He enjoys illustrating stories but also teaching art to kids and others, so he also works as a part-time art teacher. Eduardo invites you to follow him on social media at https://www.facebook.com/edmarticorena.illustrator or https://www.instagram.com/edmarticorena_illustration/ or at his website https://linktr.ee/edmarticorena.

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