The Pretty Committee Strikes Back

A tragic haircut leaves Kristen looking manlier than a New York Jets linebacker. Will she be condemned to a season of trying to find cute hats when, as everyone knows, hats are so over? Meanwhile, Claire got everything she wants — new camo Converse high-tops, bag and bags of gummies, and best of all, her first ever cell phone, from Massie. Although Claire’s now an official member of the Clique, presents don’t matter to her — all she really wants is her first kiss from Cam, of course!

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Lisi Harrison

About the Author

Lisi Harrison is the author of The Clique, Alphas and Monster High series. She was the Senior Director of Production Development at MTV and Head Writer for MTV Production. Lisi is currently pretending to write her next novel.

Lisi lives in Laguna Beach, California.

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